Class Definitions

All the classes that appear within the NHS data standards logical data model. Each class contains its nationally agreed definition, all of its attributes, all relationships it has with other classes and a clickable button if a data element also exists for it.

Attribute Definitions

All the attributes of the the classes that appear within the NHS data standards logical data model. Each attribute contains its nationally agreed definition which may also include its agreed National Codes or classifications and a clickable button if a data element also exists for it.

Data Elements

Data elements which may be supported by a class or attribute definition i.e. the data element has the same name as an class or attribute, be a derived item which is derivable from classes and/or attributes or only exists as a data element.

Data elements are used in completion of Datasets, CDS, HES and Central Returns. The data element information comprises format and field length, HES name if applicable, National Codes or classifications and useful notes clarifying the selected data element.