Format/length: See TIME
HES item:
National Codes:
Default Codes:


The time at which the CDS extract was undertaken.

This CDS Data item is mandatory when using the CDS Bulk Replacement Update Mechanism and is used to ensure that submissions are processed in the correct relative sequence, especially where submissions contain multiple data sets. The sender of CDS data should determine the most useful point of the system's processes to generate and insert this time into the data stream to provide a useful reference/audit control point.

Recommended uses are:
At the point of the PAS/CASEMIX extract process.
After any further data pre-processing.
On completion of the EDI translation processes.

CDS-XML Interchanges:
Used in the NHS standard format which is the e-GIF compliant format of HH:MM:SS (and an optional.sss).

NHSCDS EDIFACT Interchanges:
Used as a combined DATE/TIME element in the format CCYYMMDDHHMM.
The HHMM time element is optional.