Format/length: annnaa for ICD-10 (see ICD 10th Revision), an7 for Clinical Terms (The Read Codes)
National Codes:
Default Codes:


This is a DIAGNOSIS.

See Clinical Coding for International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and Read Coded Clinical Terms.

See Clinical Coding Introduction.

The recording system will require you to classify diagnoses where possible using ICD-10 or other classification codes approved centrally for mapping to ICD-10 codes. Clinical Terms (The Read Codes) can be used in addition to ICD-10 codes for Patient Diagnosis. However Clinical Terms (The Read Codes) are not accepted for the purposes of central HES data, where ICD-10 is mandatory.

ICD-10 diagnostic codes are at least four characters in length. The first character is always alphabetic. Where an undivided three character code is used, the fourth character must be filled with 'X'.

Fifth characters should be used in accordance with the guidance in Introduction. Where they are not used the character must be filled with a '-'. The sixth character of the code is used to designate an asterisk or dagger indicator in ICD-10; it may be an 'A' or 'D'.

This data element is also known by these names:

Context Alias